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Who We Are


Prof. Pedro Rosa-Neto

Principal Investigator


This forum is a joint effort of many labs with a shared interest in neurodegeneration.  The mission of this lecture series is to inspire young scientists, be inspired by young scientists and ultimately recycle our concepts by exchange experiences. 

As we strive for the truth about neurodegeneration, the dialogue between basic and applied clinical sciences is the driving force to this end.

Everyone is welcome to join.

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Dr. Eduardo Zimmer

Principal Investigator

Assistant Professor

The International Dementia Conference Series is more than a conventional "virtual meeting". Let me explain, beyond discussing high-quality science, our goal is to connect scientists. We believe that by connecting people from multiple backgrounds in the dementia field we can boost scientific discoveries. Last but not least the IDCS is a space that promotes science democratization since we have a global audience.

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2023 Organizational Committee

Who We Are


Dr. Maura Malpetti

Postdoctoral Fellow


I am a Race Against Dementia Alzheimer Research UK fellow at the University of Cambridge, working with Prof. James Rowe at the Cambridge Centre for Frontotemporal Dementia and Related Disorders.


I am excited to be part of the organizing team for the International Dementia Conference Series, which brings dementia scientists and clinicians from different continents and backgrounds together to discuss hot topics in our field. I truly believe that international and multi-disciplinary collaborations and idea exchange are the key ingredients for making an impactful and faster difference in dementia research.


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Dr. Andreia Rocha

Postdoctoral Fellow


I am a Brazilian postdoctoral fellow at the University of Pittsburgh, under the supervision of Prof. Tharick Pascoal.


I joined the International Dementia Conference Series because I believe that research is only important if the knowledge acquired is spread. I hope our series can help to make important knowledge and discoveries more accessible to everyone interested in the topic.


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Dr. Amit Kumar

Research Scientist


The reason why I joined the IDCS is a very difficult question to answer in short because I have so many things that I would like to express.


In short, I would like to say exactly the way all my colleagues and people I have interacted say ‘It’s a very chill and informal platform where we can discuss science freely and everybody is allowed to put forward their views and opinions without worrying about any judgement’. What makes IDCS unique is that it’s run by students, postdoc, and early-career investigators. I am extremely happy to be a part of this amazing group of people and looking forward to what future will bring.

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Peter Kunach

Ph.D. Student


I am a graduate student in

Prof. Rosa-Neto's laboratory.

I enjoy meeting interesting people and learning about their scientific journeys. The pandemic accelerated the inception of a virtual environment to do these things and I hope you enjoy!


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Parth Tripathi


I am a research intern in Dr. Shahmoradian's laboratory at UT Southwestern. 

I joined IDCS in 2023 to help build a platform where experts in the field can provide quality information to anyone who wants to tune in. Looking forward to meeting you!




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"Publish and Cherish"
Series Committee

Who We Are


Dr. Jiang-An Yin

Postdoctoral Fellow


I am a research scientist in Prof. Dr. Adriano Aguzzi's laboratory. Biological sciences, in my opinion, are mainly driven by highly innovative concepts, crucial research discoveries, and disruptive technologies. Publish and Cherish Seminar Series aims to provide a platform for first-author PhDs or Postdocs to present the most recent important advancements in biomedicine and highlight the logistics of how their concepts have been developed, what difficulties have they encountered and solved, and how they have addressed reviewers’ critiques. I have a broad interest in biomedicine research and I am one of the organizers of the seminar series. I hope you will enjoy the seminar and get inspired.

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